Adsense Profit Exposed

Adsense Profit Exposed


Technically, there is only one way to earn money from AdSense. You create a website, and paste the AdSense code into the pages. You then drive traffic to that site, and you earn money when people click on the ads that are being served by Google.

Technically, there is only one way to earn money from AdSense. You create a website, and paste the AdSense code into the pages. You then drive traffic to that site, and you earn money when people click on the ads that are being served by Google.

That sounds easy enough, right?

It is easy, but it takes more thought and effort than that. What you must remember is that you only earn a few cents when someone clicks an ad, for the most part. That amount can be as little as three cents, and on up to five dollars. The most successful AdSense publishers are targeting keywords that pay the most amount of money.

These AdSense publishers use a variety of tools to find out what the high paying keywords are. These tools include keyword research tools, such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite. They spend a great deal of time researching those keywords, finding out what the top keywords are, in terms of number of people searching for them, and what word combinations are being used. These are words and phrases that they will target in the content of their sites.

Next, they determine which of those top keywords topics pay the most money per click. Those who have been in the AdSense game for a while are not going to build sites that target keywords that only pay three cents per click!

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